Ceramic Coatings
Experience Matters!
Thank you again for spending some of your time reading through our blog. We know your time is valuable and we appreciate you spending some of it with us. In this entry we’re going to provide a glimpse into what exactly it is that makes Horizon Detail Nothwest Indiana’s most experienced, trusted, and knowledgeable automotive…
Read MoreWhat are ceramic coatings and why would I want one?
Thank you for visiting our blog and reading through our articles. In this post we will explain what a ceramic coating is, we’ll go over a typical ceramic coating make-up as well as what they are from a functional stand point, and we will also go over the reasons you would want to have a…
Read MorePolishing & Paint Correction. What’s the difference?
Paint correction: The art and science of correcting paint through the use of different polishing techniques. Let’s elaborate. Even a fresh, brand new paint job will have flaws in it. Flaws that range from “orange peel”. to paint nibs, to sanding marks left in the finish from the factory finishing work, and quite a few…
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